Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Who am I?

I am a chef, a full time maid, a teacher, a zombie, a therapist, a pediatrician, an engineer, nutritionist, entrepreneur ,exercise scientist, a role model, dancer, a safety inspector, lizard or cockroach killer(if that counts as an occupation.) Who am I?
You guessed it right, I am a mom! I am everything but me!
I don’t have time for myself. I could easily spare 30 minutes a day for a workout but taking kids to the park daily is a must for their harmonious development. I could sleep early, but my son requested for a homemade pizza for school lunch tomorrow. I could read a good book myself but I have to wash kid’s dirty clothes which were heavily soiled because they were exploring the nature outside.
I could easily have a chunk of time for me and my spouse everyday but that means I could be depriving my kids of the quality time that they need for their emotional development.
I keep forgetting to take my multivitamins, but the guilt I get for forgetting to bring his/her favorite chocolate is immense.
I cannot imagine or afford to fall sick. A sick day for me means unlimited chaos. Every day I promise myself that I will take care of myself, but then the next morning zilch.
Why do we all mothers take ourselves so lightly? Why don’t we realize that by ignoring ourselves now we are calling for unknown or uncalled sickness in the future?
It’s very essential to take care of yourself today, because a healthy and happy mom means a happy house. An advice for all the mothers out there” The only way to save others is saving you first.”