Its 9:46 pm and I am done with my dinner, the house is all
cleaned up, son is almost asleep but there is one thing that is bugging me: craving
for something sweet. Unless I eat something eat I simply cannot call it a
night. I am born with the sweetest tooth. Its not that I would indulge into
tens and twenties of chocolate at one sitting ,but I need to have something
sweet with every meal. During my childhood ketchup was a necessary condiment
for any and every meal. It wouldn’t be wrong if I say “ I put ketchup on my
ketchup.” It’s not only me who has such strong attachment to sweet things but
most of us are guilty of the fact.
What actually is sugar craving? It’s simply the body asking
for energy. We all know that the body transforms sugar into glucose to provide
fuel to the cells. All carbohydrates that we eat contain sugar, which is
converted by the body into glucose. Processed food contain refined sugars that
is simple carbohydrates, which enters the bloodstream as soon as they are
consumed, causing sugar rush. This rush is followed by a sudden crash. “ The
body sees the high level of sugar as an emergency state and works hard to burn
it up as quickly as possible.” Fruits on
the other hand also have simple sugars and high fiber, which promotes slow
digestion and limiting the amount of sugar, that flows into the cells.
there is another type of carbohydrate called complex carbohydrates occurring in
vegetables and whole grains. Complex
carbohydrates are carbohydrates that contain at
least three single sugar molecules. The body takes longer to
break these sugar molecules hence the process is slow and sugars are absorbed
into the blood stream at a stable rate for many hours, providing long lasting
satiating energy.
Now the question arises why is Sugar bad?
Added sugars have no nutritional value and are considered empty calories and
they can crowd healthier foods from a person’s diet, which can lead to weight
gain. “ Stripped of fiber and antioxidants, table sugar (sucrose) and high
fructose corn syrup cause big jumps in blood glucose and insulin that raise
levels of triglycerides, various inflammatory markers, and free oxygen
radicals. In addition, the fructose found in most types of sugar may damage the
liver and cause insulin resistance.
is the most popular ingredient added to foods in the US. Soft drinks and sugary
are blamable for most of the added sugar in the average American diet. A person
drinking a soda is actually consuming 11 teaspoons of sugar .We all are
addicted to sweet things or rather hooked to sugar. Sugar is acting like
heroine or any other drug. According to, “Today, the average
American consumes almost 152 pounds of sugar in one year. This is equal to 3
pounds (or 6 cups) of sugar consumed in one week! Nutritionists suggest that
Americans should get only 10% of their calories from sugar. This equals 13.3
teaspoons of sugar per day (based on 2,000 calories per day). The current
average is 42.5 teaspoons of sugar per day! “ This is certainly crazy and have
gone out of limit. No matter how much we try to avoid sugar, we cannot. It is over flowing everywhere in processed foods, ready made and packaged foods so and so forth. The food
companies cheat us by using a variety of fancy names for sugar. It’s difficult
for a common person to decipher all these names. Some of the names are
Dextrose, Maltose, Glucose, Fructose, Corn sweetener, Corn syrup, Sucrose,
Sorghum syrup, Sorbitol, Brown sugar, Molasses, Fruit juice concentrate, beet
sugar and list goes on and on.
We can try to satisfy our desire by
swapping the refined sugary desserts with a milder, less sweetened food. You
can gradually train your body to be satisfied with fruit consumption. I know
its easier said then done .I have realized that unless I don’t have any thing
sweet on my plate I don’t enjoy it. I am trying to substitute my ketchup
cravings with a fruit. A two ounce chocolate bar has 30 grams of sugar and the
same calories as three medium bananas! The bananas are low in fat, high in
vitamins and minerals and are fiber-rich. Bananas contain no sugar and will
make you feel full longer than a candy bar. Shifting to better, natural and
healthier alternative can lead to a healthier, active and disease free body.
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