Thursday, May 29, 2014

You are what you Eat!

“You are what you eat,” I have heard this a million times but now I am a believer. As Joshua Rosenthal in his book “Integrative Nutrition” says “ I have noticed Americans developing big, beefy bodies and wide eyes. We are beginning to look like cows” He referring to American diet which is mostly and usually beef.
In a world full of additives, chemicals, genetic engineering, etc. our food is not always what we think it is. Unfortunately and unintentionally we are consuming huge amount of these toxins and chemicals and becoming to show them in our personalities. We all are unhappy, stressed and pugnacious

GMO is the most read, heard and spoken word these days. As far as I am concerned, I was totally uniformed about it until very recently. I work in a food-based company and customers use to constantly ask if our product was non-GMO. I was just happy with the fact that it was non-gmo and didn’t go deep in the meaning of it. I always thought its something bad and we should not have it in the foods we eat. “ A GMO is any organism in which the genetic material has been altered in a way that does not occur naturally.” “The most Genetic modified crops were created to resist harsh chemicals, these crops have DNA traits from bacteria, fungi or other plants that create this resistance”
The process that sounds so cruel and difficult to understand must be cruel to the bodies as well. 

I was terribly upset to know that US is the largest grower of GM crops in the world. The most commonly Genitically modified crops in US are soy, corn and canola. Which are used in almost all of the processed foods and the government doesn’t require labeling of these foods and consider them safe.  The food industry continue to add these GMOs in the processed foods and continue to trick people by adding just one whole grain or natural ingredients among thousands of unsafe ones.
The Food industry seems to be free from restrictions. They can do whatever they want. The USDA regulations are super lenient for them, there seems to be no check and balance and nobody stops them from destroying health of thousands. The fact is that the “food industry spends a tremendous amount of money on lobbyists in Washington.  These big bucks pay off giving these corporations major unfair advantages when it comes to food policy and regulations. “

Genetically modified foods have been linked to toxic and allergic reactions, sick, sterile, and dead livestock, and damage to virtually every organ studied in lab animals. The effects are so trouble some on animals just wonder how gruesome they are for human bodies.
7 out of 10 items in grocery store shelves contain ingredients that have been genetically modified.

My advice would be to be a food detective. Try not to eat anything that you cannot read. The more the ingredients the doubtful the food is.  Organic food may be expensive but it will save potential visits to doctors.Bigger is not better in this regard. Smaller means its grown to its normal size and is bursting with natural flavor. . There are numerous ways we can make sure we keep our children, families, friends and ourselves healthy and safe. Together we can all thrive!

1 comment:

  1. I always prefer to eat Organic food, So at this age when all my colleagues are fat , obese and over weight and their BMI level is in danger zone , I am proud to have BMI around 20. definitely You are what you Eat!
